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There is something so picturesque about an open air food market.  I find this to be true in Italy as well as France.  All manner of produce, flowers and dried fruit is attractively displayed in a maze of stalls and stands.   They are all so appealingly presented you find yourself  in danger of carrying some of these beauties home even though you are not clearly sure of their use.

But then that is part of the experience, to see and taste different things.


Frutta secca

Frutta secca

Have you ever roasted chestnuts?  It is very important to cut an ‘X’ with a sharp knife in the round side of the shell.  If you skip this step, the chestnuts will literally explode.

Trust me, I know….

Here is a suggestion for roasting chestnuts on an open fire, just as the song says, but in Italian.

Fare alle castagne una incisione a croce nella parte bombata e metterle a cuocere in una padella in ferro forata sul fuoco, scuotendole spesso, finche’ non risulteranno arrostite 

Buon appetito!